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Dr Richard Roope discusses what to tell a patient at the point of a suspected cancer referral
Why is it important to prepare patients properly for suspected cancer referrals? - GatewayC
Dr Richard Roope discusses the importance of NG12 guidelines when considering a referral
Why is early detection of cancer important? - GatewayC - Improving the quality of your referral
Early Diagnosis | What's new in bowel cancer? | Cancer Research UK
LSGSA Lymphoedema 101 (May 21st 2020) 2/3 Richard Roope
QOF QI: Implementation of the early cancer diagnosis QI module
Hot Topics Urological Cancers Clinic - November 2022
Men and Cancer 17 06 2021
Acute Leukaemia and blood cancer early diagnosis - RCGP webinar
E cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool | Cancer Research UK (2018)